Did you know that around 73% of the population is afraid of speaking in public?

That means that out of 20 only 5 of us would be happy to stand up and speak in front of an audience, be they potential clients, customers, or employers.

How then can we expect to grow our business, influence, or persuade our audience that we are the best person for the job, or our product is what we claim it to be?

How do we build trust and credibility?

I’m Power To Speak’s founder, Jackie Goddard.

With Power To Speak, I deliver to clients, the confidence to show up for their audience, secure in their personal brand.

I make authors, entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators excited about sharing their ideas!

I do this with creativity, curiosity, and humility by teaching – voice, breath, and performance skills and coaching – mindset, content, and story.

As a coach, it’s my job to make my clients excited! Excited about sharing their ideas and message with an audience, whether it’s for their business, to educate or entertain.

How? I use my acting training to teach the physical techniques of public speaking, presentation, and performance.

But, more importantly, I work to shape content by finding the right stories and impactful visuals. This promotes both self-awareness and self-confidence in the speaker. They know the audience, believe the message, have fun with the content and can’t wait to jump on the stage.

I have over 25 years of experience working in and around the performing arts as an actor, director, producer, and teacher, facilitating acting and voice workshops.

Podcast profile with mic

As a speaker and podcast guest, I talk about how you can impact, influence and inspire an audience by using your voice and your story. I talk about the ‘hero’s journey,’ and how we’re all our own USP. Our experiences shape us and can be used to inspire, motivate and validate others. We are the HERO of our story but can also be the MENTOR of someone else’s.

As the host of Power To Speak, the podcast, I talk to entrepreneurs, business and thought leaders about their journey and how they discovered the POWER TO SPEAK.

The show aims to be motivational, inspirational and educational. I ask guests how they got to where they are, what did they learn along the way and what advice can they give?